Friday, December 30, 2011

A Typical Labrador Day?

Woken up by a loader clearing snow from the driveway at 4:34am.  We parked the cars in next door’s driveway last night so the snow from yesterday’s snow storm could be cleared properly as the snow was half way up the garage door from the wild wind blowing the snow everywhere.  Got ready and out the front door by 6:30 to find that snow had covered our bridge (pathway) and most of our steps.  Shovelled for 15 minutes to make sure Steve and the boys can get out to the car easily this morning.

Called past Tim’s for a double double and a cream cheese bagel.  Windows frozen so had to open the door to order at the drive through.  At my desk for a 6am start before the New Year weekend.  The snow storm has passed now so I am sure today will be cold but the sun will be shining on my typical Labrador day!

Snow Storm

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Short break at the cabin

On Boxing Day we headed out to the cabin.  We let Steve get out of the car first to go inside and get the oil stove going.  When we did finally get out of the car, the snow was knee deep and the cabin was still -15 degC inside!  The boys were crying because of the cold so we sat in front of the oil stove with my Canada Goose jacket on top of us.  We talked Steve into lighting the wood stove for us as well to get the cabin warmer quicker and then he went back outside to shovel more snow.

We watched the temperature guage slowly creep up towards zero degrees, funny how goals and expectations change, all I wanted was for the cabin to get to a positive temperature.  It took at least two hours to warm up and we even put our propane stove on to warm up the other end of the cabin!

Our cabin in the snow
On Tuesday Steve and I tested out our snow shoes, they are awesome.  You can walk in deep snow, sinking far enough to give you a good workout.  A nice solid track is laid as you walk so Cooper and Ryder had fun following me on our adventure into the woods.

In my new snow shoes
Getting a ride
 By Tuesday afternoon heavy snowfall was setting in and we were worried we wouldn't be able to get out.  At about 3 o'clock we headed back to Lab City as a snow storm hit, we took the drive very slowly as visibilty was extremely poor all the way home.  A relaxing time again at the cabin.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Another white Christmas

We had a very relaxing Christmas this year, avoiding the rush of Xmas day by celebrating with friends on Christmas eve.  Despite seeing the massive turkeys for sale at the IGA we decided to go with roast pork and finished with a delicious pudding made by Simone. 

Santa was good to all of us, Steve and I received some awesome Canadian made snowshoes, Taylor got some seal fur winter boots and the boys were very impressed with their snow moto's.  We got some great Aussie gifts from Nat & Jus, tea towels, pencils, an Aussie icon calendar, very Australian books for the kids as well as koala and kangaroo tattoos!!

Cooper and Ryder on Christmas morning
We spent the day playing with gifts including some time outside testing out the snow moto's.  Our evening meal better known here as supper, was spent with our neighbours, the Whittington's.  A great Christmas Day!
Taylor with her gifts

Friday, December 23, 2011

Too cold for snow

Ryder going out to help Dad with the BBQ
Hard to believe but it has been too cold for snow!  We had a bit of snow then it got really cold fast, this meant clear skies and no snow!  Our temperatures have been around the -14 to -18 degree mark. Now we are waiting for some warmer weather, closer to zero, so we can have more snow.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cooper's first figure skating badge

This Wednesday at ice skating Cooper came off the ice and showed me his very first badge for figure skating.  He was so pleased with himself, he said "Can you believe it? I can't wait to see Dad's face".

Last winter Cooper completed the pre-Canskate program but this winter he is in the Canskate program.  Badge 1 is the first of seven badges and focuses on Balance.  Coops is getting so fast on the ice, speeding around as quick as her can!  He can skate backwards also but not as quickly.  He was tested on quite a few other skills to pass his first badge too.