Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bambi On Ice!

It's a typical Saturday morning and I'm on the phone to Derek who has had a few quiet ones late night in Oz, when Kristy launches herself into the lounge room, "(Oh Dear!) I've forgotten my hair appointment!" Ok I'll get the boys ready and we'll see you down there. Great, I get to do the shopping...

We park at Tim Horton's end because Cooper starts "I need a donut Dad!", then Ryder continues in harmony "darmut Dad!" Ok coffee and donuts it is... so hard to slip into the North American culture...  Anyway we pull up and I get the boys out so we can do some shopping.  We call past Kristy in the hairdressers, get instructions on what we need to buy then head off to Walmart via Tim's.

Shopping done, Kristy meets us at the checkout and we head out.  I unload the shopping and head towards the shopping cart return when I see this - Bambi on ice!  I had to take a photo and share it because I just couldn't believe it - packed in snow in the back of a pick up, leg up, fresh as!  The thing that really made me look was the young lady who hopped into the pick up and drove it away!

The moral of the story?  Always look forward to doing the shopping and return your shopping cart (trolley) because you just never know how you will be rewarded.

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